Saturday, October 24, 2009

An October Update

It's been awhile since I last posted, so figured I should add an update!

The Health Update
I had mixed results at my last doctor's appointment in September. My CD-57 test results came back ever-so-slightly worse, my cells dropping from 78 to 72. Still a big improvement from the 23 cells when I started treatment, but also a little step backwards. However, because I've still been feeling a little better my doctor decided to put a hold on my antibiotics indefinitely. So, I'm officially off antibiotics and waiting to see if my immune system has recovered enough to pick up where the antibiotics left off. I'm still on some natural treatments and other supplements, just off all prescriptions. There is a good chance I'll relapse and need to go back on antibiotic treatment, but we're taking the break from it and seeing what happens. It's been a little bit of a rocky transition, some symptoms have been fighting with me a little bit, but I haven't felt enough of a decline yet to call my doctor. My doctor also has put my on B12 injections hoping to combat the fatigue. My first one was hard to use as a gauge...I ended up coming down with a minor case of the flu the same night I got the injection. The rest of the injections are coming to me at home...we (Brian and I) have been "trained" by my doctor how to give them so I don't need to drive up to him (and pay more) everytime it's time to have one. They should be arriving in the next 2 or 3 days, and I'll be having two a week for the first three weeks, then down to one a week. He expects that it will make a major difference for me, and I so hope he's right. Fatigue has been one of my worst symptoms all along.

It was a ridiculously busy summer, and continuing to be a busy fall. With all that we've had going on, it's been amazing that I haven't already relapsed worse than I have. The bad days are still there, though less severe than they have been. I feel like I'm getting a good grip on managing my health, knowing my limits and when to stop pushing myself, and learning various ways to conquer minor setbacks. My immune system is far superior to the void of an immune system I had a year and a half ago. I've caught just a couple of cold/flus in the last year and half and each time very minor and kicked completely within 2 or 3 days...very exciting for me!! I've even been around some sick people and not caught their colds or flus...even more amazing!

Last winter was rough for me, so I am a little nervous going into this winter. I'm only slightly closer to convincing Brian to move to the Southwest. Our state's failing economy and intended direction is helping me build a good case for Texas...I'm thinking San Antonio or El Paso area. :)

The Martial Arts School Update
Lorence Martial Arts Studio is starting to take off! It was a slow start in the middle of summer, with the first beginner's class having only 5 students. As of October, we're up to 14! It's been a huge blessing to be able to supplement our income this way. Brian absolutely loves teaching Tae Kwon Do and doesn't mind doing so after full days and weeks working at Aurora.. Calls and questions have really started to pour in lately, so we're excited to see how things continue over the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are going so good for you guys! Tiffany, I will pray that your body's immune system will kick in so that you can stay off those antibiotics! Texas, huh? I still vote for Arizona! :) However, out of the two cities I would definitely choose San Antonio. El Paso is a border town and they have a lot of crime. We drove through there this past summer and did not like it. San Antonio is beautiful! My friend moved there last summer and she absolutely loves it. Good luck with your decision!! We are in the midst of a possible big change but won't hear until probably Monday or Tuesday. We shall see how the Lord leads! I will pray that God will give you direction. Blessings to you guys!
