Friday, March 6, 2009

The Die-Off and Epsom Salt Baths

On and off since the middle of November, I have been dealing with what is affectionately called "The Die-Off." It's medical term is a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (or a "herx" to all the other lymies out there), and it's what happens as the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease is killed.

The Lyme bacteria is different from other bacteria. It's a spiral-looking bacteria that prefers to live deep in your tissues (don't go check your Kleenex box - not that kind of tissue). When the antibiotics get to the bacteria and attack them, they break open and release toxins. This makes me sick...not just frustrated and angry, but physically sick. At times it's made me sick enough to hinder my progress with's sometimes difficult to eat, let alone swallow 50 some pills when you're feeling very nauseated.

A little over a week ago, in my search to try to find a way to deal with this issue, I came across Epsom Salt baths. They are said to help draw the toxins out through your pores, a detox bath. I had become very westernized, making me skeptical that sitting in a bath for 30 minutes everyday would make me feel better, but wow!! I've been feeling a lot better, and today after showering I didn't have the uncontrollable need to go lay down for awhile...HUGE difference from how I normally feel. Dare I say, I actually feel a little energized!!

The baths of course aren't only for Lyme Disease. I would suggest to anyone feeling sickly, run-down, or in general pain to get a bag and give a try!

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